We help to create great places to work that achieve the Strategy of the Organization.
We do this by helping our clients to articulate their Strategy, define the structure to deliver that Strategy, and then develop the leaders to enable the achievement of the Strategy. This is done through consulting, coaching, and training.

Forrest & Company Limited
Forrest & Company is an organizational transformation firm that helps you achieve the Strategy of your Organization through consulting, coaching, and training.
We are experts in identifying, developing, and releasing the potential in leaders and their organizations, ultimately providing our clients with a strategic competitive advantage.
We engage our clients closely through our expertise in examining leaders, organizations, and issues at all levels – strategic, operational, and tactical. We also develop solutions, working with our clients from initiation through implementation. The result is dramatically improved performance and accelerated achievement of strategy.

What We Do
Forrest is a full service firm that offers our clients the most effective integrated system available for organizational, team, and individual transformation.
We help our clients in:
Developing strategy and planning implementation;
Optimizing organizational structure and clarifying role accountabilities; and
Developing leadership and management ability.
During consultations, we believe that you have the answers and we have the questions. Our role is to challenge your thinking for you to explore and grow your business.
In coaching, it is our belief that our role is to create awareness in our clients and then enable them to identify choices to achieve their goals while helping them trust their decisions, which is done with the client's manager in service of the organization’s strategy.
During training, we focus both on increasing the skill sets of our clients and developing them for future roles to grow their organizations.
Ultimately, we utilize the most practical technologies to assist personal, team, and organizational growth. Specifically, we value simulation to create true experiences to enable repetition of the learning back in the workspace.
Our job is to help you think, and we teach all of our clients the best methodologies to make decisions, plan their strategies, and sell their ideas.
Who We Are
Forrest & Company Limited is a trusted partner in organizational transformation and managerial leadership development. Since 1987, our team of skilled consultants, facilitators, coaches, and designers have helped build the capabilities and effectiveness of more than 30,000 leaders and their organizations worldwide. Our success in developing and maximizing potential in individuals, teams, and organizations is demonstrated by the many clients with whom we share long-term relationships.
Forrest began with a single leadership development program and the goal to grow leaders of character who achieve extraordinary results. The product line quickly grew to include executive coaching services. Based on our experiences helping clients, we quickly identified that for truly substantive managerial leadership development, the organization also needs to develop. This discovery led us to two science-based development systems: Requisite Organization, which was created through the work of Canadian organizational psychologist Elliott Jaques; and Effective Intelligence™, which is a system to describe thinking that was originally developed by British consultant Jerry Rhodes in conjunction with the Dutch electronics giant Philips.
All Forrest products and services are integrated into a mutually supporting developmental system that can address organizational, team, or individual issues at strategic, operational, or tactical levels. Our products and services can be deployed as an entire system or as standalone units depending on your needs.
Why Us
Since 1987, Forrest has been a trusted resource for managerial leadership and organizational development and has shared success with over 30,000 leaders world-wide. What is at the core of our success? Why have we grown and succeeded when so many others haven’t?
What We Do Works
We promote accountability
We are leaders in Thinking Development
We Have Integrated Accountability and Thinking
We Look At The Whole Organization
We have great pragmatic people
Our Values
An incredibly important reason as to why we encourage our clients to take their value statements seriously is that we do ourselves. The terms “respect”, “honesty”, “provide an exceptional experience”, and “growth” are values every Forrest member keeps at the forefront of every interaction with clients. We are particularly proud of our Honesty:
We say what is on our mind.
We provide our clients with what they need, not what they want.
We listen, are frank and tell the truth even if it hurts.
We get to the heart of an issue and don’t let anything slip off the table.
We are watertight. We keep our clients' confidence.